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Our Feedback and What we Changed

When we received our feedback, we noticed that most of it was centralized around our research. Some noted that we should add the driving question that led us to create LighTable, so we did. You can see that we added our driving question and a link to our research paper. We received feedback suggesting that we should put a case around the product but due to the recent pandemic, we weren't able to 3D print a casing like we originally planned. Another piece of feedback we got was a suggestion to add a menu bar at the top of our website to make it easier to use. However contradicting this, we also received different feedback saying that our website was easy to maneuver. Seeing this, we decided not to add a complete menu bar but instead we added an "others" button that takes the user to the "learn more" section of the home page. This "learn more" section has buttons to take the user to all sections of the website. Lastly, someone suggested that we add our abstract so we decided to add it on a new page. We followed most of the feedback because we didn't see it as critical, but helpful. A couple of the things mentioned in the feedback were ideas that we had glossed over or not thought about while creating our website.

Modifications: About
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